

Fri 27 September - 19h to 23h

Breathwork + Beats
& Ecstatic Dance

I am DJing our monthly queer ecstatic dance alongside Chance Albee who runs a breathwork + beats session. We roll from the breathwork directlly into an Ecstatic Dance. READ MORE >



Fri 25 October - 19h to 23h

Breathwork + Beats
& Ecstatic Dance

I am DJing our monthly queer ecstatic dance alongside Chance Albee who runs a breathwork + beats session. We roll from the breathwork directlly into an Ecstatic Dance. READ MORE >



Sat 25 November - 19h to 23h

Breathwork + Beats
& Ecstatic Dance

I am DJing our monthly queer ecstatic dance alongside Chance Albee who runs a breathwork + beats session. We roll from the breathwork directlly into an Ecstatic Dance. READ MORE >



Sun 1 to Sat 7 December - retreat

Conscious Kink: RITUAL

Jungle Gaybourhood, Costa Rica

This profound weeklong exploration of conscious kink and intentional scene play held in a supportive and trauma-informed setting. Learn to deepen your kinky play, while opening up your capacity to hold healing, expansion and transformation in a scene. READ MORE >


Fri 27 December - 19h to 23h

Breathwork + Beats
& Ecstatic Dance

I am DJing our monthly queer ecstatic dance alongside Chance Albee who runs a breathwork + beats session. We roll from the breathwork directlly into an Ecstatic Dance. READ MORE >